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Rethink how you grow

Rethink how you grow

Our next webinar (1.30pm on November 25th) looks at how a genuine commitment to customer experience can be the foundation of your business growth. We’ll talk about the ways that service design, customer journeys, team involvement and good measurement can help your organisation focus on the things that matter.

Are you at risk of losing sight of your customers’ needs because your focus is on growth above all else?

Are you at risk of losing sight of your customers’ needs because your focus is on growth above all else?

One of the most common growth pains is losing sight of your customers or clients. Serving your end customer is the reason you set up your business in the first place, and without them your business is in trouble.

Start Up award winner Situu's Harry Murphy shares his top tips on growth

Start Up award winner Situu's Harry Murphy shares his top tips on growth

Join us for more insights on growing a business – how to face the challenges and overcome the pitfalls at 11am on the 20th of October. Barry McNeill, Organisation and leadership specialist and founder of Work Extraordinary is hosting a webinar where we'll be talking about the risk of growing your business at the risk of losing sight of your customers’ needs. We will be joined by three business owners- all at different stages of growth - who will be sharing info on their journeys to date and offering advice on overcoming the challenges they have faced.

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